I know I am slow poke, but well it's never to late to wish people happy new year.

quick re-cap... the past few month before 2012

I got my spanking Ipod Nano with engraved of my nick on Xmas.

Then I got Lunatik Lynk Strap consider the first in Malaysia to got it :D

Then New year pressie for myself.

Then somewhere around the same time, a late xmas pressie for my mom.
So this new year , I got a late Xmas Gift from my colleague which went to Japan

So yea, that pretty much sums it up. As for 2012 resolution, I would want to try to intergrate my Twitter, FB, tumblr, instagram or what ever crap into my blog so that I can post stuff on the fly :D

P/S: what i did on New Year Eve? went for watch night service then head back home to sleep.
