Maleficent explores the untold story of Disney's most iconic villain from the classic "Sleeping Beauty" and the elements of her betrayal that ultimately turn her pure heart to stone. Manage to catch it after my jogging session today with my new toy (will review it later) . So here we are Maleficent, a fairytale story retold. I was in for a surprise on how well did Angelina Jolie portrayed Maleficent. Story narrates by some lady which is quite important at the end for viewers to clearly understand why it is being retold. Firstly yes its Disney's Sleeping beauty movie retold. Secondly, they can do what the hell they want with their fairytale franchise. I'm sure some viewers might "boo" and "hoo" on this new spin off for the fairytale of sleeping beauty. Not many children today even know sleeping beauty, even those that know the story was from the 60" and we kinda outgrew they childhood Disney stories which I found it v